Jag vaknade i morse av att farsan knackad på dörren på mitt hotellrum, - Dags att vakna, vi ska ner och äta frukost vid strandrestaurangen, och förresten God jul John! Jaha, så plötsligt var det julafton, det känns konstigt att spendera de första timmarna av julafton på playan liggandes i en solstol med en hink Corona bredvid och vackra kvinnor i bikini som regelbundet vandrar förbi på stranden. Det känns konstigt men absolut inte fel, här skulle jag kunna tillbringa betydligt längre tid än två veckor!
Tiden här i Mexico har gått fort men jag har ändå njutit till 110% av varje sekund och har hunnit med en hel del kul! Jag har nu spenderat ca 6 veckor i Mexico och har varit med om ett flertal äventyr. Förutom att varit med två dagar på big game båten i Los Cabos med Martin Falklind, Robert Jonsson och kompani och skådat jakten på marlin med kajak har jag varit på ett par fisketurer och fångat häftiga nya arter. Förutom fisket har jag dykt i ett totalfredat vattenområde i Cabo Pulmo där jag såg otroliga mängder fisk och även ett par sköldpaddor. För någon vecka sedan hängde jag med German och Flor för att testa på vertikalklättring vid en klippa belägen i en av alla uttorkade flodbottnar på kaliforniska halvön.
För ett par dagar sedan lämnade jag halvön för att åka till andra sidan Mexico, närmare bestämt Yocatanahalvön och Playa del Carmen, en mysig liten turistisk stad. Här mötte jag upp resten av familjen för att fira jul och nyår. Vi anlände i förrgår och har spenderat de två senaste dagarna med att lapa sol på stranden nedanför hotellet och utforskat de närmaste delarna av den lilla staden. De närmaste dagarna kommer det även att testas lite fiske då de andra i familjen vill ut med båt och snorkla vid nåt rev, vad passar väl bättre då än att jag passar på att fånga ännu ett par nya arter!? Dessutom har jag blivit inspirerad av Robert Jonsson av hans Urban Angling så några mornar och kvällar kommer att spenderas vid nån av Playa del Carmens pirer i jakt på hungriga rovfiskar.
I woke up this morning when my dad knocked on the door of my hotel room, - Time to wake up, we're going down to eat breakfast at the beach restaurant, and by the way, Merry Christmas John! Oh, so suddenly it was Christmas Eve, it feels weird to spend the first hours of Christmas Eve on the beach lying in a deck chair with a bucket of Corona beside me and beautiful women in bikinis who regularly walk by on the beach. It feels strange, but certainly not wrong, I would be able to spend much longer than two weeks!
The time here in Mexico has gone quickly but I still enjoyed 110% of every second and has had a lot of fun! I have now spent about 6 weeks in Mexico and has been involved in numerous adventures. In addition to having been two days at the big game boat in Los Cabos with Martin Falklind, Robert Jonsson and company, and seen the hunt for marlin with a kayak, I have been a couple of fishing trips and caught some cool new species. Besides fishing, I have been diving at a totally protected area in Cabo Pulmo, where I saw incredible amounts of fish and even a few turtles. About a week ago I followed German and Flor to test for vertical climbing on a rock situated in one of the many dry river bottoms on the Californian peninsula.
A few days ago, I left the peninsula to go to the other side of Mexico, more specifically the Yucata peninsula and Playa del Carmen, a cozy little tourist town. Here I met the rest of the family to celebrate Christmas and New Year. We arrived the day before yesterday and have spent the last two days to soak up the sun on the beach below the hotel and explored parts of the town. The next days there will also be little fishing, when the rest of the family wants to get out by boat and snorkeling at the reefs, what fits better than i taking the opportunity to catch even a few new species!? I have also been inspired by Robert Jonsson of his Urban Angling so some mornings and evenings will be spent at some of Playa del Carmen's piers in search of hungry predators.
The time here in Mexico has gone quickly but I still enjoyed 110% of every second and has had a lot of fun! I have now spent about 6 weeks in Mexico and has been involved in numerous adventures. In addition to having been two days at the big game boat in Los Cabos with Martin Falklind, Robert Jonsson and company, and seen the hunt for marlin with a kayak, I have been a couple of fishing trips and caught some cool new species. Besides fishing, I have been diving at a totally protected area in Cabo Pulmo, where I saw incredible amounts of fish and even a few turtles. About a week ago I followed German and Flor to test for vertical climbing on a rock situated in one of the many dry river bottoms on the Californian peninsula.
A few days ago, I left the peninsula to go to the other side of Mexico, more specifically the Yucata peninsula and Playa del Carmen, a cozy little tourist town. Here I met the rest of the family to celebrate Christmas and New Year. We arrived the day before yesterday and have spent the last two days to soak up the sun on the beach below the hotel and explored parts of the town. The next days there will also be little fishing, when the rest of the family wants to get out by boat and snorkeling at the reefs, what fits better than i taking the opportunity to catch even a few new species!? I have also been inspired by Robert Jonsson of his Urban Angling so some mornings and evenings will be spent at some of Playa del Carmen's piers in search of hungry predators.
Special thanks to German,Joel, and Anna with family for a really great time in La Paz at Playa el Tesoro! I will come back next year or the year after that to do the Mexico, Costa Rica and Panama fishing adventure! Take care until then!
Best regards John/Legolas/the Viking
Me, fighting dorado in Los Cabos.
Diving in Cabo Pulmo.
Great experience to climb!
My "room" at Germans place! :)
Playa del Carmen, i am a little bit chicken for the water!!
Legolas? Nu lär du bända stort! ;-)